FAQ'S - Ellie Ellis Books




Thank you for having me, I am excited to be here! Yes, I decided before launching the final book in my Ruling with Pleasure series, that a relaunch was something I needed to do. I have re-written one of my books ‘Her Gloomy Midlife’ and I am a different writer now, so I felt it was important to tighten up Book 1. I also went through some author rebranding. The series is complete,and to celebrate this I wrote a short story titled ‘Midlife Dragon Mate’ I give away free to my newsletter subscribers. That's not to say I won't ever write in this world again though, I loved all these characters and could be easily tempted to write a few more things. I may have left a little space for future stories or perhaps even a spin-off series... only time will tell.


Ellie Ellis is a young writer. Her goal was clear when she was 12 years old, a mere teenager. That she wants to be a writer. She learned the tactics of storytelling. And officially started writing some short stories. But the one thing that she always comes back to, are the stories that keep her up at night. During a girl's weekend at an undisclosed location, an idea for women in midlife with a gloomy past was born. Infused with Fantasy, Romance, and the occasional Werewolf, her stories take the reader on a magical journey where things aren't always as they seem.

Social media:

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20486190.Ellie_Ellis

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ellie.ellis.581

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/msellieellis/

Website: https://ellieellisbooks.blogspot.com/

This is ME (My days before COVID-19 write, write and write when I wasn't able to write I traveled)

My home

My Messy Writing Table

One of my series


 Katherine my pet, my love, my cutiepie




1. What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren't writing or working?

Honestly, writing helps me relax. I never felt like I am doing any work. I just enjoy it when I write. Writing is like reading a good book, where you are lost in the scene. I also play badminton. It's a stress reliever for me though I am not good at it.

2. What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?

Can you guess what gives a person the maximum satisfaction? When a person's dream comes true. It was a dream for me to be a writer and you made my dream come true. I write to you. I would like to say that my promise to readers is that my heroines will always be empowered, even if they don't always start that way, and that there will be a little bit of magic in everything I write. If you haven't read one of my books, please consider giving me a try. You can download a free copy of Midlife Dragon Mate at https://cutt.ly/5by1BO2 I would love to hear what you think! Also, if you are a fellow writer, I post pretty regularly about my writing journey and what I've learned, which you can find on my blog at https://ellieellisbooks.blogspot.com/'.

I have a ton of different ways to follow me, and the best place to find all those links is https://ellieellisbooks.blogspot.com/2021/04/follow-me.html. Thank you so much for having me today, and remember to always embrace the journey! I hope you enjoy my stories.

3. On average, how long does it take to write a full novel?

Well, to be honest, I have not written a novel so far but I am planning to write in near future and I am plotting the story in my head. I want to be very clear and I don’t want to hire a development editor and for that, I will try to outline my novel in such a way that it does not need a development editor. I am learning the craft of writing and revising a page-turner. I'm hoping the next one will be faster, but it's hard to know for sure. My goal would be to complete revisions this year and release them in 2022, however, I'm still learning every day. I won't release the novel until I know I can feel proud. So maybe ask me again in six months?

4. Do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks, or physical books? Are you reading anything now?

Given a choice, I'm a fan of old-school physical books (paperback), but as a nomad who often lives out of a suitcase, I've learned to read ebooks. As of now, I love them all, but I tend to read physical books for non-fiction, ebooks for fiction, and audio is saved for podcasts and learning new things. I am reading no less than two books at any given time, and currently, I'm reading: Silver Spells, by Kate Moseman and Magical Midlife Madness, by K.F. Breene. There are also some non-fiction books on my TBR that I will be using for research, some of which have compelling titles, The 5 am Club, by Robin Sharma is one that comes to mind. Now that I am writing paranormal women’s fiction and some mystery, my Google search history and non-fiction book list is pretty interesting.

5. What are you working on next that you can tell us about?

I am currently working on two projects that I am trying to give equal time to. The first is a paranormal mystery series. It would be a trilogy. I love writing series, especially Trilogy. Also, I have recently published a Trilogy named ‘Misery to Power’ in which the protagonist is in her 40’s. The reason why I like older characters is that it’s not fair to have a heroine who is in her 20’s only. All of us grew old but it doesn’t mean that we aren’t beautiful or should not enjoy life. I am in my 20’s. Yeah! You read right. I am in my 20’s but I like to read and write books with mature characters. And secondly, I am enhancing the plot of my previously written series ‘Incubus Prophecy’. I am a huge fan of plot twists, and I can't wait to share!

6. What gives you inspiration for your stories?

My first series was inspired by one of my annual girls' trips, of all things. I had been thinking long and hard about writing a book where we talked about our ideals in a Hero, sort of "wish list" qualities. One thing led to another, and the ideas were flying so fast that I ended up with plans for four books by the time we came home from that trip. But as I was a newbie and still I am that’s why I wrote a short story and now I am writing a novella. Soon I’ll be writing a novel. I decided there was just no other way to tell the story in anything less than four books. I have always found inspiration all around me, and I would have to say that pretty much anything interesting that I see or hear winds up coming through my fingers in some way, shape, or form.

7. What are you looking forward to doing when the pandemic is over that you haven't been able to do?

Travel!!! I have missed relaxing on the beach with a good book. Though I am vaccinated I am preventing to go out until and unless everything gets fine. As things open up, I am trying to squeeze some of those things in, but I would imagine it won't be until sometime next year that I am back to my regular schedule. Believe it or not, it is hard to write without getting out and experiencing things.

8. What was the first book that made you laugh and/ or cry?

I have been a reader for longer than I would care to admit, so there have been countless books that have moved me. A few that come to mind as having a lasting impact on me are The Stand, by Stephen King, Circe, by Madeline Miller, and The Five People You Meet In Heaven, by Mitch Albom. They touched me for different reasons, and in different stages of my life, but the one that moved me to tears was To kill a mockingbird, by Harper Lee. The first time I held a copy of my own words and two years of my life in my hands, I cried like a baby. It was such an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, one that almost dropped me to my knees.

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